Databank namen

  • The NameDB
  • Surnames Meanings, Origins & Distribution Maps - Forebears
  • Nederlandse Familienamenbank Throughout history humans have been known by more than one name to distinguish them from other people with the same name.
    World Name Data Its uses are nearly endless.
    Search for Meanings & Distribution of 31 Million Surnames Nederlandse Familienamenbank Naam is gelijk aan begint met eindigt op bevat geavanceerd.
    NameDB - First Names Reference Database .

    Databank namen belgie

  • De Nederlandse Voornamenbank geeft informatie over verschillende officiële enkelvoudige voornamen die in Nederland voorkomen.
  • Nederlandse Familienamenbank
  • Nederlandse Familienamenbank

  • De unieke informatie over de familienamen in Nederland die te vinden is in de NFB vormt voor het CBG een mooie en welkome aanvulling op het gebied van historische persoonsinformatie op .
  • databank namen
  • Namen databank achternamen

  • Database with more than , Dutch surnames. In many cases, information includes the number of people with the name, geographical distribution, name explanations, onomastic and .
  • Namen databank svb
  • Nederlandse Familienamenbank | KB, National Library of the …
  • Namen databank svb

  • DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics where you can create your own queries, generate tables, Missing: namen.
  • Databank namen belgie
    1. Name Statistics, Facts, and Rankings | Explore 31 million surname origins, meanings, distribution maps and demographics @ Forebears, the largest database of last names.
      ~/~/Databases | Data | DataBank Help parents-to-be find a name for their progeny. Find out what your name means. Currently the database over 11, primary name entries, and about 30, variations. When searching by .
      Surnames Meanings, Origins & Distribution Maps Search for names of Holocaust victims in Yad Vashem's extensive database.
      DataBank is an analysis and visualisation tool that contains collections of time series data on a variety of topics. You can create your own queries; generate tables, charts, Missing: namen.
  • Data | DataBank